the latest
waddle: good morning, wordpress - 10:36 a.m. , 2009-07-03 elaborate murder attempt - 2:56 p.m. , 2009-07-01 building a tractor in the basement - 10:42 a.m. , 2009-06-19 ask no questions tell just a few lies - 3:17 p.m. , 2009-06-09 my long lasting flavor really lasts long - 1:10 p.m. , 2009-06-04
Al Gore has a nice big head. I like his big head. (I also want him to take off his pants, but you all know that from an earlier entry.) He sleeps in the nude, as we know from Oprah yesterday. (Didn't watch, but I read about it online.) Even if you care not one whit about politics, these are all nice, nonpolitical reasons to vote for Gore. Oh, and the other reason is that W. is an idiot. LT got a bumper sticker that says "GWBush: How Dumb Is Too Dumb?" which still cracks me up every time I think of it. We had a big huge storm here, all day yesterday and last night, and yes I suppose all that stuff about through wind and rain and gloom of night (you know...the Postal Oath or whatever) is true, since I did get mail, but they might want to get some waterproof bags or something since my mail was all wet, including my Ms. magazine. Grrr! But the storm did make for some nice gothic fooling around and some nice gothic sleeping. (Gothic sleeping?) Reminds me of a time in college when, after a long long night of drinking and smoking various things, LT and I fell asleep with Bauhaus Volume 1 on continuous repeat. All the next day I felt witchy and damaged in some way, and was compelled as if by an unseen hand to put on loads of eyeliner before going to class. It is possible to overdose, kids, so be careful with that Peter Murphy CD. I ate cheesecake for breakfast this morning. Don't tell anyone. ---mimi smartypants
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2000-09-12 ... 13:29:54