the latest
waddle: good morning, wordpress - 10:36 a.m. , 2009-07-03 elaborate murder attempt - 2:56 p.m. , 2009-07-01 building a tractor in the basement - 10:42 a.m. , 2009-06-19 ask no questions tell just a few lies - 3:17 p.m. , 2009-06-09 my long lasting flavor really lasts long - 1:10 p.m. , 2009-06-04
SECTION A: I FEEL ALL FUNNY INSIDE Whoa. Freak the freak out. Yesterday the English-language Chicago Sun-Times surprised us with a Spanish weather word. Today they eschew language altogether and put this in the front-page weather spot: #@*&%!! Like I said, whoa. SECTION B: BLAH BLAH YADDA YADDA WORDS I don't want to misrepresent myself as a structuralist, but here's a nice quote from Roman Jakobson: Indeed. To do otherwise would not require a poem. A nice explanation of one of my favorite Russian words. What will I do now, with my hands? SECTION C: DOMESTIC TURMOIL, ILLNESS, AND CARNALITY Now it is LT�s turn to have laryngitis. I do not laugh at his misfortune. Well, maybe I laugh a tiny bit, but in a wry and friendly way. I take this as my cue to babble on about my day every night over dinner. I also take it as my cue to sing whatever strange made-up songs I want, since he won't be able to interrupt or protest. It's mysterious that he would come down with the laryngitis now; our weekend was not that talk-intensive and I didn't recently freak him blind or anything. Speaking of long-term-relationship sex, I watched an old TiVo'd Six Feet Under last night, because I was in a maudlin mood and wanting some appropriately maudlin television, and the whole bit about the "ebb and flow" of sex within relationships got me thinking how contrary my libido is sometimes. If I'm having lots of sex I just want more sex, but during a dry spell I sort of almost (get those qualifiers, there) forget about sex entirely. I would make an excellent nun. (Those of you who know me can stop laughing now.) SECTION D: MEDIA MEDIA WHO'S GOT THE MEDIA Q and Not U interview. I like the album, and this intro to this article uses the phrase "suburban rebel pout," which made me laugh. At first I thought this was some kind of strange elitist screed, but it's a bit more than that. Although it sometimes degenerates into ranting, Curtis White makes some good points here about what passes for culture these days. Do you feel like a man? Tomorrow Greg the Bunny airs on Fox, and it remains to be seen whether network TV will ruin this puppet wonderama. But there's always the old Independent Film Channel shorts. I especially like "Sci-Fi Convention," "Bath Time," and of course the Godfather parody. Beware of "Warren's Self-Destruction," though. There's really very little more depressing than puppet despair. SECTION E: MIMI SMARTYPANTS' HOUSE OF STYLE I was recently in a place where there were a whole lot of those indie-rock girls, you know, the ones with the stomachs? Is there some kind of rule that one's shirt cannot possibly come down to the level of one's waistband? Are you worried that the existence of your midsection would be called into question were it not clearly on display? Does your abdomen need validation that badly? What's even worse is when one of these indie-rock girls wears all her little clothes at once (ankle pants + short little stomach-baring shirt with elbow-length sleeves). It looks like you had a sudden growth spurt and haven't had a chance to buy bigger clothing yet. ---mimi smartypants, unter einen fremden Himmel.
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2002-03-26 ... 10:06 a.m.How does poeticity manifest itself? Poeticity is present when the word is felt as a word and not a mere representation of the object being named or an outburst of emotion, when words and their composition, their meaning, their external and inner form, acquire a weight and value of their own instead of referring indifferently to reality.