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the latest waddle:

good morning, wordpress - 10:36 a.m. , 2009-07-03

elaborate murder attempt - 2:56 p.m. , 2009-07-01

building a tractor in the basement - 10:42 a.m. , 2009-06-19

ask no questions tell just a few lies - 3:17 p.m. , 2009-06-09

my long lasting flavor really lasts long - 1:10 p.m. , 2009-06-04

2000-03-02 ... 07:21:11

I would like to see Al Gore naked. I don't know why I thought of this (maybe because it's a real imaginative stretch...Al Gore seems sort of PERMANENTLY clothed), but now it's becoming a running joke in our house. LT knows that whenever I'm watching television and he hears "Take off your pants!" from the living room, it means Al Gore has just appeared on screen. Do you think the FBI would investigate me if I wrote a letter asking him to send me an autographed nude picture?

Someone else I wouldn't mind seeing naked is Alan Greenspan. Don't laugh. For an economist, he's very sexy. And he's got that sort of cute-ugly face that makes me think he'd be really fun in bed. I just get this weird sexy vibe from him. Didn't I tell you not to laugh? Stop laughing!

What can I say, C-SPAN is my Playboy Channel.

I finally broke down and ordered Dave Egger's "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius" from Amazon yesterday. The hype just wore me down. And many of the reviews mentioned the similarity of his writing style to that of David Foster Wallace, so I was already smitten. I love Wallace. I've read "Infinite Jest" three times.

Last night I dreamt of a hula hoop made out of bread. The sign said, "Fresh Hula Hoops Baked Daily." I think I was trying to market these in some way. Probably not a big market for hula-hoop bread, though, unfortunately.

---mimi smartypants


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