the latest
waddle: good morning, wordpress - 10:36 a.m. , 2009-07-03 elaborate murder attempt - 2:56 p.m. , 2009-07-01 building a tractor in the basement - 10:42 a.m. , 2009-06-19 ask no questions tell just a few lies - 3:17 p.m. , 2009-06-09 my long lasting flavor really lasts long - 1:10 p.m. , 2009-06-04
Out this window, at least this winter, it is perpetually around 4:30's that gray and dingy and soul-wearying. There's not even anyone smoking in a dirty undershirt on the fire escape of the transient hotel, which is my main landscape feature on workdays. Damn. Of course I should be working, but the gray winter 4:30 pm-ness seems to have infected my brain as well, I have a strange oppressive sort of headache. For those of you in Chicago and environs, I just found out that WTTW (our PBS, channel 11) is re-running this great documentary Friday night. It's called Smile Pretty and it's a truly frightening look inside the demented world of child beauty pageants. Highly recommended. I just called Kat and left a robot song on her voice mail. It went like this: beep boop beep beep beep beep beep boop. I only sang the first verse. Old B-52s is ever so much fun. I'd forgotten how much I like "Rock Lobster." Love those jangly New Wave guitars. beep. boop. ---mimi smartypants
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2000-01-05 ... 13:09:41