the latest
waddle: good morning, wordpress - 10:36 a.m. , 2009-07-03 elaborate murder attempt - 2:56 p.m. , 2009-07-01 building a tractor in the basement - 10:42 a.m. , 2009-06-19 ask no questions tell just a few lies - 3:17 p.m. , 2009-06-09 my long lasting flavor really lasts long - 1:10 p.m. , 2009-06-04
THE CONTENT PROVIDER HAS LEFT THE BUILDING: or, A COLLECTION OF LINKS FOR YOUR FRIDAY PERUSAL, AS HAS BECOME A TRADITION OF SORTS, by mimi smartypants If you read me you might read him, my partner in preoccupation, and I could send him this link directly via e-mail but that just seems too easy in today's self-referential world, so here's some more musical obsession-fodder from The New Republic. Oh god. The "dark and stormy night" trope continues, only with bad sex. There's a hyacinth bulb being forced on my kitchen windowsill as we speak. The procedure seems very complicated. I'm probably going to fuck it up. It's Friday, so you may be in the mood to hit the double deuce juice after work, with your best homeskillets. What? Here's the very weird page you get when you search on the Google phrase "Ha ha you are naked." Please don't ask me why I did so. A fascinating-in-its-implications medical article about motiveless firesetting, which suggests that a partial seizure state can account for some types of psychotic and antisocial acts. To be used as a criminal defense, perhaps? I'm keeping it bookmarked, just in case I need to show it to my lawyer. Mr Dan Kelly's bio page is everything a bio page should be and lots more. He has many obsessions, and thus is deserving of your intellectual Internet crush. Crush away. Yuck! An article about Marmite. I once tried Marmite, and I must say that while there are many foods that I have not enjoyed, there is only one food that made me literally gag with revulsion, and that is Marmite. But hey, maybe I'm an imbecile for not enjoying yeast spread. Who knows. The three Luci(e)(a)ns: Lucian Freud, a rebuke to notions of artistic determinism. Lucien Stryk a vastly underrated poet and very handsome man (what can I say, I like them elderly). And Lucian of Samosata, about whom you will find surprisingly little information on the web. I have no idea if that translation in that link is accurate, for although I have a degree in ancient Greek I've never read Lucian (for shame!), but it's certainly lively and I'm glad it's online. That should keep you busy for a while. If you need more, use the smartypants-signal. (Like Batman, I have pledged to protect you always.) ---mimi "delenda est Carthago" smartypants
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2002-01-04 ... 12:57 p.m.